Summer 2019 // Excavating the Artifacts of Memory

Summer 2019 // Excavating the Artifacts of Memory


2-Day Weekend Hideaway w/ Susan Bruns Rowe
September 14 – September 15, 2019 
All Levels 

Artifacts tell a story all on their own: a colorful, hand-stitched quilt threadbare from use; a tincture bottle that once contained citrus and lavender cologne; a strip of wallpaper on a weathered board. Memory is like artifact—it's human-made, holds within it a story, and requires careful excavation to uncover links to our history and culture, the influences that form our identity. But excavating memory isn't always easy. Sometimes we simply can't recover it. Other times, it's there but in fragments that tell only a partial story. As writers, we constantly need new ways to excavate memory so that we can tell our stories with all the artistry, craft, and imagination available to us.

During this generative writing weekend, we'll play with new ways to uncover the artifacts of memory to tell our stories. We'll also broaden our idea of the forms memoir can take. We'll experiment with using imagination (fiction) to write about events outside memory. We'll see how even brief memories (flash) can be as revealing as an entire book. And we'll look at using forms (poetry) to relate life experiences. By the end of the weekend, participants will take home new writing, new ideas, and new ways to approach how we write the stories of our lives. 

The workshop fee includes workshop and lodging for three nights.  Students will need to arrive by 7pm, September 13.  Supply list provided upon registration.  

Weekend Hideaways are all-inclusive weekend experiences offering students an opportunity to stay in historic Atlanta cabins, eat locally sourced food and reconnect with their creativity. Meals and private lodging provided. 

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About Susan Burns Rowe

Susan Bruns Rowe writes and teaches in Boise, Idaho. Her nonfiction and poetry have appeared in  BrevityCreative NonfictionPenny: The Zine of Illustrated Flash Prose, and elsewhereHer fiction is forthcoming in The Louisville Review and Clackamas Literary Review. She serves on the editorial staff for Literary Mama and teaches creative writing workshops for The Cabin and the Osher Institute at Boise State University. Susan has an MFA in creative writing from Boise State University and an MA in philosophy, politics, and economics from Oxford University.